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985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag

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985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag Empty 985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag

Post by Admin Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:37 pm

985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag (10/8/2017)

Las Vegas mass slaughtering was a distraction case done by the Feds(FBI and DEA).

I am the murder target of the Feds(FBI and DEA). Since I stay at home to avoid being set up, They used to organize tours for my relatives to justify a search and arrest. To cover up the framed case from the sight of public, they used to activate big events to distract. My wife were arranged two tours recently. All follow this style.

1. 9/2 to 9/8, my wife had a tour to Canada.
On 8/31, I wrote in #979
What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula.
9/3,(next day to 9/2), N. Korea exploded a nuclear bomb. If Trump kept his promise of "Fire and fury", there would have been a Korea war.

2. 10/2 to 10/18, my wife had a tour to Europe.
On 9/25, in #983, I said,
"The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time."
10/1, LasVegas mass slaughter took place. (My wife left home at 10/1 evening, around 17pm. she said the plane would leave at 12:55. I think she meant 0:55 of Oct.2)

3. News said Stephen Paddock might also planned other shooting case in August. It coincides with the murder plot of August. Paddock booked two bedrooms from 8/1 to 8/6 in Blackstone hotel in Chicago which overviews the park where the Lollapalooza music festival took place.(8/2 to 8/5)

That was the time when I alleged the Feds would create a gas explosion murder on me. (Aug. 3)

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologize for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Re: 958. Create a gas explosion (4/28/2017)

986. My analysis on Stephen Paddock (10/14/2017)

The gunman of Las Vegas shooting case is described as a gray-man:
No criminal record.
No political ties.
No religious affiliation.
No history of mental illness.
No history of violence
That also fits for a figure works for intelligence unit such like FBI.

Paddock worked for the federal government from about 1975 to 1985. He was a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service from 1976 to 1978. After that, he worked for six years as an Internal Revenue Service agent, until 1984. Then, he was a federal auditor for one year, in 1985, focusing on defense contractors. Towards the end of the 1980s, Paddock worked for three years as an internal auditor for a company that later merged to form Lockheed Martin.[15] His work career after this period is not entirely clear. He is known to have run a real-estate business with his brother Eric.[16]

It's not so easy to find a job in those offices yet he jumped among them. That means he had a special background. Then he went into real estate business.

FBI and DEA have no fat budget. Most operation fund comes from victim's. (see #Cool

8. FBI's profit

Everything shows that law enforcement agent use isotope money tracing if you have cash savings at home. But how could they steal from innocent people?

Later I learned from 'National Geography' (1961, June) In article " FBI: public friend number one ". ' Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.' It's that 'profit' chase makes FBI a looter. It's that black box practise makes FBI closed and untouchable and new high tech weapons killing without trace makes them ruthless. How do you expect them be in justice while their purpose is pursuing 'profit'?

And I found the Feds made a large profit from real estates business.

430. Monopoly the house in north San Jose (8/25/2006)


3. The most important thing is that housing market becomes the best way for Feds to make a profit. They take it as a business. e.g. In my community, a 4 bedroom single family house in 1991 was about 200k. (When Feds started to buy in. The first stage) In 1997, the price went up to high 200k. (when Feds started to buy in house in large scale, the second stage) Now the price is about 600k. If they bought a house in 1991 with 20k down payment, the profit is 400k. (Or 100k after deduct 15 years housing cost if the house haven't been rent off.)

Stephen Paddock might then worked for the Feds as its housing business team member. News said he gambles big in casino. Because the money came too easy and it's not his? He probably lost his life as a scapegoat for this reason.


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985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag Empty Re: 985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag

Post by Admin Fri Nov 03, 2017 1:43 pm

989. O.J. almost became a collateral victim (11/2/2017)

O.J. simpson was a target of Las Vegas shooting, I allege.

O.J. was released at 0:08 a.m. 10/1. That night at 10:05 p.m. the Las Vegas massacre took place. The jail he left is near Reno, Nevada, about 450 miles from Las Vegas - where O.J. was going to live. They gave him plenty of time for the journey. The Feds arranged everything - from timing to location. Be noticed that Friday was only two days to the shooting date Sunday.

Simpson has four adult children, two of whom live in Florida, and LaVergne told the Associated Press that “there’s no doubt he’s going to Florida.” Tom Scotto, a friend and golfing buddy, has offered his home in Naples to Simpson.

However, that state’s attorney general informed the Florida Department of Corrections on Friday that he is not welcome there.

The original release time was Monday (10/2), but the shooting which had to accord with the Concert of 10/1 night. So they gave an excuse of "to ensure public safety" to make it on 10/1.

Keast said the overnight release from the prison about 90 miles east of Reno, Nevada, was conducted to avoid media attention. No media were near the front gate at the time when Simpson's car left the prison by a back road and entered nearby Interstate 80, she said.

"We needed to do this to ensure public safety and to avoid any possible incident," Keast said.

She acknowledged Nevada prison officials misled the media with word about the timing and location of Simpson's release. They had advised it would be no earlier than Monday and possibly in Las Vegas.

I have noticed that the jail system won't do parole job in week-ends. I've talked about that if the Feds want to kill a victim in jail, they used to arrange the arrest on Friday because following would be week-ends. Parole job is on vacation. Of course, for "public safety", there was exception.

O.J.Simpson is a celebrity, his death would increase the influence of a massacre shooting. That's what a distraction needs. O.J. almost became a collateral victim.


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985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag Empty Re: 985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag

Post by Admin Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:54 pm

1020. Mass slaughter is a method to distract (5/14/2018)

I had alleged the Feds plotted a murder case on 8/3/2017 or so. A news later proves I'm very correct.

"974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house ....... Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologize for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking. "

"976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission."

I also said something would happen on my wife's tour 10/2 to 10/18. That "something" was later found "LasVegas mass slaughter". It took place two hours before my wife's leaving. Shooting started on 22:10 Oct/1. My wife's flight took off on 0:55 Oct/2.

"983.Earthquake, hurricane and defense budget (9/25/2017)

The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time. ......"

"985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag (10/8/2017)

Las Vegas mass slaughtering was a distraction case done by the Feds(FBI and DEA).

I am the murder target of the Feds(FBI and DEA). ......."

Here is the news proves my allegation is very correct. Stephen Paddock had prepared a mass shooting case for 8/3 too.


booked one room at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, shich he was due to check into on August 1, and he booked a second room for check in on August 3, alaw enforcement official told USA Today.

Both rooms had a checkout date of August 6. The Lollapalooza music festival ran August 2-5 and takes place in Grant Park.


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985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag Empty Re: 985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag

Post by Admin Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:52 pm

1054. The character of plot (12/29/2018)

On Aug. 3/2017, a PG&E worker came to my house and replaced the gas meter. I was afraid of a gas explotion and called the company. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" Two months later, I found the Feds had prepared a mass shooting case between 8/3/17 to 8/6.

A plot two months later: My wife was arranged a tour to Europe on 10/2/2017. Two hours before her leaving, there was a mass shooting happened in Lasvegas. The Feds used to arrange travel for my wife so it's easy to create accident death on her. The mass shooting was used to distract the murder plot on my case.

Then the news reported las Vegas shooter Paddock also prepared a shooting case on 8/3 in Chicago.


booked one room at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, shich he was due to check into on August 1, and he booked a second room for check in on August 3, a law enforcement official told USA Today.

Both rooms had a checkout date of August 6. The Lollapalooza music festival ran August 2-5 and takes place in Grant Park.

In October plot 2018, My wife was arranged a Mid-east tour on 10/14/2018. Same time PG&E cut power supply to North California area. I think it was unusual and wrote "1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)"

Three weeks later Paradise fire took place. It was the biggest fire in California history and would play a big distraction.

California fire: PG&E canceled planned power shut-off in Paradise area just before Camp fire broke out

On Oct. 14, the company cautiously shut off power to some 60,000 Sierra foothills and North Bay customers, hoping to prevent any downed power lines from sparking a fire. On Nov. 6, PG&E again began warning 70,000 customers — including those in the town of Paradise — that it might flip the switch in the face of fire danger.

Do you see the similarity? 1. PG&E involved. 2. My wife was a murder target. Travel arranged because accident are easy to create. 3. Big events created to distract. 4. I wrote my suspicion in advance and was later proved by news report.


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Join date : 2014-11-10

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